Saturday, June 10, 2006

That's a Big Lump of Gold

The book in the image above shows a picture of a gold specimen on the cover of the publication "Gold Deposits of Manitoba" (1996) from Manitoba Energy and Mines.
This very large, high grade gold sample came from the San Antonio Mine, now the Rice Lake Gold Mine, in Bissett Manitoba. The Lump of gold is 24 cm x 20 cm x 5 cm in size and contains an estimated 5.41 kilograms of gold. That works out to be close to 174 troy ounces of native gold in the one chunk. Can you imagine how the miners felt when they found that!

The Bissett gold specimen is now part of the collection at the National Museum of Natural Science, Ottawa. If you visit Ottawa and get a chance to visit check it out.

"If anyone reading this has information on the history of when the "Bisset Nugget" was found and by whom etc. please leave a comment or contact me. I haven't yet found out the entire story behind it and would like to write a post or two on the history."

The Rice Lake Gold Mine and the New San Gold #1 mine are both owned and operated by San Gold Corporation headquatered in Bissett Manitoba. While visiting the town recently I saw diamond drills turning and workers busy expanding the known gold resources at Bisset. Ore is also being mined at both mines and the mill is busy processing and refining the yellow.

San Gold also has several other gold deposits and drill targets in advanced stages of exploration along with plenty of additional property within the Rice Lake Gold Belt. It wouldn't suprise me if some more exceptional high grade specimens are found in the future.

Exciting things are happening at San Gold Corp and the town of Bisset is experiencing renewed ecomonic benefit as a result. For more information on San Gold Corp visit their website.