Found this article on the gold report website. It's an interview with Kevin Puil discussing copper prices, companies exploring for the metal and other things. What I find interesting is his opinion that copper could see $4 / lb this year or better.
Here is a quote for the interview:
Quite frankly, I think you could see copper peak above $4 a pound ($4/lb) this year, and $3.75 is reasonable for an average. It's interesting to look back at the five-year average for copper. Even though a lot of analysts are using ~$2.75/lb as their long-term outlook, copper has only broken below $3/lb for that brief amount of time during the financial crisis. The rest of the time, it's been well above $3/lb. I think it's about time they brought the price up to a more realistic level.Read The Interview Here
Even with the Canadian Penny going out of circulation, the need and demand for copper will be with us for a long time in the foreseeable future. Manitoba Copper producers and explorers with nice deposits are worth following. I am following Mustang Minerals, VMS Ventures, HudBay Minerals and others.