Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Kevin Puil: $4/lb Copper Is on Its Way [TV, TREVF] - The Gold Report

Kevin Puil: $4/lb Copper Is on Its Way - The Gold Report

pit wall of open pit mine in manitoba picture courtesy of mustang minerals

Found this article on the gold report website. It's an interview with Kevin Puil discussing copper prices, companies exploring for the metal and other things. What I find interesting is his opinion that copper could see $4 / lb this year or better.

Here is a quote for the interview:
Quite frankly, I think you could see copper peak above $4 a pound ($4/lb) this year, and $3.75 is reasonable for an average. It's interesting to look back at the five-year average for copper. Even though a lot of analysts are using ~$2.75/lb as their long-term outlook, copper has only broken below $3/lb for that brief amount of time during the financial crisis. The rest of the time, it's been well above $3/lb. I think it's about time they brought the price up to a more realistic level.
Read The Interview Here

Even with the Canadian Penny going out of circulation, the need and demand for copper will be with us for a long time in the foreseeable future. Manitoba Copper producers and explorers with nice deposits are worth following. I am following Mustang Minerals, VMS Ventures, HudBay Minerals and others.

Does reality TV’s gold boom suggest an end to soaring prices? - Business - Macleans.ca

Does reality TV’s gold boom suggest an end to soaring prices? - Business - Macleans.ca

The last time TV was so caught up in a trend it was in the house-flipping genre (Flip This HouseFlip That House), which seemed to hit its peak just before the U.S. housing market crashed. Is there a similar warning sign in the TV gold boom?

Some analysts on Wall Street, at least, seem to think gold’s wild ride may be nearing its end.